Sex with Exes

Sorry for my absence; I’ve been getting some. 

It’s been a week— summer brings out EVERYTHING!  Old lovers, booty shorts, amazing music, sweaty drinks and bits the make you wet with desire!  It’s a wonder why we don’t gain weight in the summer. Oh yeah, I know why… it’s fucking 90 degree!  Can eat and drink that much. 

But the weather was schzo; this passed weekend was rainy, then sunny but cool… and none was right for the first day of the dance Africa festival.  Check out the troopers!  This was the moment my ex caught up with me. 


After many drinks (not my preference…ha!) and a bit of smoke; legs were parted, tongues found their way in small sweet spots that made my back arch.  mmmm… but it’s summer so no need to repeat… plenty of conquests to be made. 

After opening up doorways not passed thru before here is what we ate.  Image

energy to get back at it.


After 18 years of a 9-5; it’s nice to set your own work schedule but it’s not very lucrative as yet.  So as a perk, I start my days like a champ. Image

My day was alive with creativity and progress.  The only thing that was missing was fresh baked bread and maybe sex. Hmmm…

Do you find that when you are high; you are horny?  It’s like being in the mind of satisfying all cravings.  Be they sweet, salty or sexy…  Well I guess that makes sense… I would write those adjectives; I’m a foodie.  My life is about satisfy my cravings.

Well off to find a yummy bite….